Startup Survival Podcast

Be a Guest on the Startup Survival Podcast - Series 3 - Strength of Feeling

Peter Harrington Season 3 Episode 0

Welcome to Series 3 of the Startup Survival Podcast.

Entitled 'Strenth of Feeling', Series 3 launches in January 2022. Episodes will examine how emotions impact entrepreneurial behaviour.

Starting with the subject of anger, special guests will reveal and share how singular emotions affect startup lives. 

Issues such as fear, surprise, guilt, happiness, anxiety, joy, depression, confidence, pride and of course, vulnerability will be covered.

Do you want to be a show guest?

Are you prepared to share insights and stories from your life so others can learn and benefit from your experience?

  • You may be a seasoned entrepreneur with a unique tale to tell.
  • You may be an academic with deep, incisive and relevant research to share.
  • You may have started or closed a business during the pandemic and have recent experience that chimes with this podcast theme.
  • You may specialise in emotional intelligence and have neurological nuggets to offer.

Regardless of what you do, if you have had a close-entrepreneurial encounter emotion, you could be just the person to appear on the Startup Survival Podcast.

Don’t be undone by imposter syndrome and rule yourself out. 

But also, please be aware, sadly we can't provide guest slots for everyone.

Listen to this podcast and learn how you can apply to be a guest on the show.